How to use お願いします (おねがいします)
Meaning of お願いします
The Japanese verb "お願いします" (おねがいします, onegaishimasu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Please (do something): A polite way to make a request or ask for something.
- Example: ここにサインをお願いします。
- Translation: Please sign here.
- Here you go / Here it is: Used when handing something over or presenting something, similar to "Here you are" in English.
- Example: これをお願いします。
- Translation: Here you go. (When giving something)
Learn お願いします from Animes
(電話交換手)はい 東方司令部
(Operator) Yes, Eastern Command.
(Hughes) Roy...
Connect me to Colonel Mustang.
(Operator) For calls from the outside,
つなげない決まりに なっておりまして
We have a rule not to connect to them
中央のヒューズ中佐だ! 緊急で外からかけ てる
This is Lieutenant Colonel Hughes from Central! It's an emergency call from outside.
(Operator) Please provide the code.
うあーっ もう 面倒くせえ!
Ugh, what a hassle!
アンクル シュガー オリバー80ゼロ0 ゼロ!
Uncle Sugar Oliver 80 zero zero!
Very well.
(Alphonse) Um...
話は大体 分かりました
I think I understand the situation.
それでその 今までどおり そちらの監視下 にいる代わりに
So, in exchange for being under your surveillance as before,
元の体に戻る旅を ボクらの旅を続けさせて ください
please let us continue our journey to return to our original bodies.
構わんよ 余計なことさえしなければね
That's fine, as long as you don't do anything unnecessary.
What about you, Colonel Mustang?
まさか軍を辞めるなどと 言い出さんだろう な
Surely you're not going to announce that you are quitting the military, are you?
そうですね 飼い犬になっても 負け犬に なるのは耐えられませんな
Yes, I can't stand being a loser even if I'm a kept dog.
(トリシャ) あなた あなた ちょっと来 て!
(Trisha) Honey, honey, come here for a second!
What is it?
(写真屋) どうも ご主人さん
(Photographer) Hello, the husband.
A photographer...
(トリシャ) はい ピシッとして!
(Trisha) Yes, strike a pose!
まだみんなで 写真 撮ってなかったでしょ ?
We haven't taken a family photo yet, right?
そんな急に… あっ
So suddenly... ah.
はい エド抱っこして
Here, Ed, hold on.
👉👉準備できました お願いします
Ready, please go ahead.
Oh boy, this is troublesome.
(ウィンリィ・ロックベル) 北に行くなら そう ひと言 言いなさいよ
(Winry Rockbell) If you're going north, you could at least say something.
(エドワード・エルリック) しょうがねえ だろう 急ぎだったんだから
(Edward Elric) It couldn't be helped, it was urgent.
あんたたちは いっつも急ぎでしょ
You guys are always in a rush.
大体 なんで牢に入ってるの?
Anyway, why are you in jail?
(ゾルフ・J・キンブリー) 単なる手違い ですよ
(Zolf J. Kimblee) It's just a misunderstanding.
I'll be out soon.
I'll take care of the paperwork later.
ありがとう キンブリーさん
Thank you, Mr. Kimblee.
👉👉こいつらのこと よろしくお願いしますね
Please take care of these two for me.
初めて見た 北国用 感激だなあ
It's my first time seeing it, the northern version, I'm impressed.
(Neil) I see.
なんなら 俺の仕事場見る?
How about I show you my workplace?
(ウィンリィ) 見る見る 見ます!
(Winry) I'll see, I'll see, I'll see it!
What is it?
あっ いや あんまり浮かれて
Ah, no, don't get too carried away
そのへん うろちょろすんじゃねえぞ
and wander around there.
There are various dangers inside the fort.
うん 分かった
Yes, understood.
Please take care of it.
(ニール) これなんか珍しいよ
(Neil) This is something unusual.
新たな焰の錬金術師を 生み出さぬように
To ensure that no new Flame Alchemist is created,
I want to destroy the secrets carried on this back.
Is it not possible?
なら… 戒めを解いてください
Then... please release the restraint,
from what my father has burdened me with,
錬金術から 私を解放してください
from alchemy. Free me from it. Please
I beg you.
(カーリー)バッカニア隊はそのまま待機 よろしく
(Carly) Keep Buccaneer's squad on standby, please.
敷地内の人形兵を 一匹残らず駆逐するまで
Eliminate every single doll soldier inside the premises.
👉👉門を絶対に開けないように お願いします
Please make sure not to open the gates under any circumstances.
(Buccaneer) Understood.
(ブリッグズ兵1)こちら西門 ブリッグズホワイト隊が制圧しました
(Briggs Soldier 1) This is the west gate, Briggs White squad has taken control.
(ブリッグズ兵2)北門ですブラック隊が 制圧完了!
(Briggs Soldier 2) North gate here, Black squad has completed control!
(ブリッグズ兵3)ブルー隊 東門制圧
(Briggs Soldier 3) Blue squad, east gate controlled.
(ブリッグズ兵4)イエロー隊兵器庫を 押さえました!
(Briggs Soldier 4) Yellow squad has secured the armory!