How to use ずっと (ずうっと)

Meaning of ずっと

The Japanese verb "ずっと" (ずうっと, zutto) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. for a long time: It means an action or state has been continuing for a long time.
    • Example: ずうっとこの町に住んでいます。
    • Translation: I have been living in this town for a long time.
  2. all the time: It implies something is done continuously or habitually.
    • Example: ずうっとテレビを見ています。
    • Translation: I watch TV all the time.
  3. very: Used to emphasize the degree or extent of something.
    • Example: ずうっと遠くまで見えます。
    • Translation: You can see very far away.

Learn ずっと from Animes


👉👉(エドワード) オレたちの信じる錬金術 って なんだろうって ずっと考えてた
(Edward) I've always wondered what kind of alchemy we believe in.


ピナコ殿にとって2人は 孫みたいなもの ですか?
Are the two of them like grandchildren to you, Lord Pinako?

👉👉生まれた時から ずっと見てきたからね
I've watched them since they were born.


👉👉オレさ ずっとお前に 言おうと思ってた けど
There's something I've always wanted to tell you

but was too scared to.


👉👉(エドワード) オレさ ずっとお前に 言おうと思ってたけど―
(Edward) I've been wanting to tell you something for a long time—

怖くて 言えなかったことがあるんだ
but I was too scared to say it.

(アルフォンス) 兄さんは何を言おうとし てた?
(Alphonse) What was brother trying to say?

What he was too scared to say?


(グレイシア・ヒューズ) 本当にいいの?
(Gracia Hughes) Is it really okay?

👉👉こっちにいる間 ずっと泊まってもらっても いいのよ
You can stay with us as long as you're here.

そこまで甘えるわけには… うん?
I shouldn't impose so much... Huh?


(アルフォンス) 兄さん 前にボクに―
(Alphonse) Brother, you once told me—

怖くて言えないことがあるって 言ったよね
there were things you were too scared to say. Right?

(アルフォンス) それはもしかして ボク は…
(Alphonse) Could it be that I am...

魂も記憶も本当は全部でっち上げた 偽物 だってことじゃないのかい?
just a fake, with all my soul and memories made up? Isn't that it?

(アルフォンス) ウィンリィやばっち ゃんも…
(Alphonse) And Winry and Grandma are...

trying to deceive me, right?

どうなんだよ? 兄さん!
What about it, brother?

(Alphonse) Ha!

👉👉(エドワード) ずっと それをため込んで たのか?
(Edward) Have you been holding onto that all this time?


(エドワード・エルリック) ああっ 疲れ たーっ!
(Edward Elric) Ah, I'm exhausted!

👉👉(アルフォンス・エルリック) ずっと 見張られてたしね
(Alphonse Elric) We were under surveillance the whole time.

(ウィンリィ・ロックベル) フーさんと ランファン だっけ?
(Winry Rockbell) Fu and Lan Fan, right?

(フー)おい! (エドワードたち)うん?
(Fu) Hey! (Edward and others) Yeah?

Where's the young master?


ヒューズさんが殺されちゃうような 危ない 場所で―
In a dangerous place where even Mr. Hughes could get killed—

Ed and Al are always fighting.


👉👉(リン・ヤオ) ええっ! メシも睡眠も なしで ずっと動ける?
(Ling Yao) What?! You can keep moving without food or sleep?

(アルフォンス・エルリック) うん この 印さえ傷つけなければ
(Alphonse Elric) Yeah, as long as this seal isn't damaged.

すごい… まさに不老不死じゃないか!
Amazing... it's like immortality!


👉👉(アルフォンス) ボクね あの日から ずっと 自分を責めてきた
(Alphonse) You know, I've been blaming myself ever since that day.


元気でいてくれなきゃ 困るんだよ ねえ? ドクター・マルコー
We need you to stay well, you know? Right, Dr. Marcoh?

👉👉(ティム・マルコー) ずっと考えていた 人柱とはなんなのか…
(Tim Marcoh) I've been thinking this whole time... what is a sacrifice?

お前たちは私に 何をさせようとしているの か
What do you intend to make me do?


足元こんなだと すげえ 疲れるな…
When the ground is like this, it's really tiring...

👉👉ああ しかもずっと出口ねえし…
Yeah, and there's still no exit...

(リン)腹 減った…
(Ling) I'm hungry...


いつから軍は人造人間に こうべを垂れたの ですか?
Since when has the military bowed to homunculi?

(ブラッドレイ) この国が生まれた時から 仕組まれていたことだよ
(Bradley) It has been planned since this country was born.

👉👉ずっと我々のあがきを見て ほくそ笑んでい たわけですか
So you've been watching us struggle and laughing all along?


What's wrong?

(メイ)ここ 変です
(Mei) This place is strange.

👉👉この国に入ってから ずっと違和感があった のですが
Since entering this country, I've always felt something was off.

This is...


(マスタング)なっ なんだ?
(Mustang) What? What's wrong?

オレの美しい未来さ! グレイシアっていう んだ
It's my beautiful future! Her name is Gracia.

👉👉中央でずっとオレの帰りを 待っててくれ てる!
She's been waiting for me in Central, waiting for my return!

All alone...

うあああっ 他の男が ちょっかい出したら どうしよーっ!
Aaaaah, what if another man hits on her?

いや オレみたいな いい男をおいて グレイシアが浮気するわけがない
No, no way Gracia would cheat on a great guy like me.

いやいや しかし…
But still...

ヒューズ (ヒューズ)あい?
Hughes (Hughes) Huh?

1つ 忠告しておく
Let me give you a piece of advice.

映画や小説で よくあるパターンだ 戦場で 恋人の話を持ち出した奴は…
It's a common trope in movies and novels, the guy who talks about his lover on the battlefield...

usually dies soon...

Man, you...


👉👉父さんがイシュヴァール以来 ずっと苦しん できたのは知ってる
I know Dad has been suffering ever since Ishval.


(ホーエンハイム) この体になってから たくさんの死を見てきた
(Hohenheim) Since I've had this body, I've seen a lot of death.

だがそれも 大きな世界の 流れの中の1つ と思えば
But when I thought of it as just one part of the grand flow of the world,

the sorrow was somewhat bearable.

美しいもの 不思議なものと 出会うたび
Every time I encountered something beautiful or mysterious,

この体を受け入れて 生きていくのもいい
I thought it was okay to accept this body and keep living.

I always thought that way,

トリシャ 君と出会って 子供ができるまで はね
until I met you, Trisha, and we had children.



はい こっち向いて 動かないでね
Yes, look this way, and don't move, okay?

私だってね いつか化け物みたいな―
Even I will someday turn into something like a monster—

しわくちゃの おばあちゃんになっちゃうわ よ
a wrinkly old granny.

But you know...

どんな姿になっても みんなで 一緒に笑っ て写真を撮りたいの
No matter what we look like, I want us to laugh together and take pictures.

👉👉だから ずっと家族でいて
So, please stay with the family,

自分から距離を置いて 遠い存在になったり しないで
don't distance yourself and become a stranger.

化け物だなんて そんな言葉で自分を傷つけ ないで
Don't hurt yourself with words like 'monster'.

はい 撮りますよ
Yes, I'll take the picture.


👉👉(ホーエンハイム)このままずっとこの体を 受け入れて生きていくつもりだった
(Hohenheim) I had intended to live on, accepting this body as it is.

But now, it's different.


しかし戦力になれないってのは 歯がゆいな
But it's frustrating not being able to contribute.

待つだけってのが こうも むずむずする もんだとは
Having to just wait like this is so irritating.

👉👉この音 昨日からずっとだな
This sound, it's been going on since yesterday.


👉👉(エンヴィー) そう ずっと ヒューズの 敵を追ってたんだ?
(Envy) So, have you been chasing Hughes' killer all this time?

What a beautiful friendship.



👉👉人間は お前ら人造人間より ずっと弱い 存在のはずなのに
Humans are supposed to be far weaker than you homunculi

たたかれてもへこたれても 道を外れ倒れ そうになっても
Even if they're beaten down, even if they falter, even if they stray and are about to fall

何度でも立ち向かう 周りが立ち上がらせて くれる
They keep confronting it, time and again, with the support of those around them


では この者たちは?
So what about these guys?

They're the leftovers.


👉👉彼らはずっと 戦闘訓練を積んできた
they've been undergoing combat training all their lives.


👉👉(アルフォンスの肉体) ずっと待ってた
(Alphonse's Body) I've been waiting all this time.


You don't want to become one with me?

(アルフォンス) そんなわけないだろ!
(Alphonse) Of course not!

👉👉ずっと ずっとずっと 元の体に戻ることを 考えてきた!
I've been thinking about returning to my original body for so long!


👉👉(傷の男) 自分に何ができるかを ずっと考えていた
(Scar) I've been thinking about what I could do.

そして これにたどり着いた
And this is what I arrived at.


(グリード) ハハハハッ すげえ
(Greed) Hahaha, amazing!

あの力がありゃ 世界は全部 オレのものに できるぜ
With that power, I could make the whole world mine.

(リン・ヤオ)おい グリード(グリード) え?
(Ling Yao) Hey, Greed. (Greed) Huh?

貴様の言ってた 世界を手に入れるってのは
When you say "conquering the world"

this is what you meant?

おうよ あれを手に入れれば 世の中は全部 オレのものだ
Yeah, if I get that, the world will be all mine.

オレの中の空っぽが これで埋まるかもしれ ねえ
Maybe this will fill the emptiness inside me.

👉👉生まれてから ずっと続いてきた 渇きが 治まるかもしれねえ
Maybe it'll quench the thirst I've felt since I was born.

あさましいな グリード
That's pathetic, Greed.

お前が欲しいものは それじゃないはずだ
What you really want isn't that.


👉👉兄さん ボク ずっと考えてたことがある
Brother, I've been thinking about something for a while.

たぶん オレも同じこと考えてる
I bet I've been thinking the same thing.


👉👉その子をずっと 忘れることができません
I can't forget about her.