How to use そのため (そのため)
Meaning of そのため
The Japanese verb "そのため" (そのため, sonotame) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- due to that: This phrase indicates that something happens as a result of something else.
- Example: そのため、彼は遅れてしまいました。
- Translation: Due to that, he ended up being late.
- for that reason: This is used to explain the reason or cause of an action or situation.
- Example: そのため、私たちは計画を変更しました。
- Translation: For that reason, we changed our plans.
Learn そのため from Animes
(ヨキ) なんのことやら よく分かんねえ ですけど
(Yoki) I don't really understand what you're talking about, but
無事 ケガも治ったし
now that our injuries are healed,
これで 滞りなく中央に行けますね
with that, we can go to Central without any delays
でしたら 早速 準備を!
Then let's start preparing!
コラッ さっさと 立ち去れっつってんだろ !
Hey! We told you to leave already!
遊びに行くんじゃ ねえんだぞ こっちは!
This isn't some fun trip!
I'm serious too.
さっき言ってた 不老不死とかいうやつか?
That immortality thing you mentioned earlier?
There's no way it exists
👉👉あります! 私はそのために…
It is! For the sake of it, I'm...
うるせえ! ガキはガキらしく…
Shut up! Act your age...
(メイ)不老不死は錬丹術では成しえません でした
(May) Immortality couldn't be achieved with alkahestry,
でも 錬金術なら…
but with alchemy...
だから私は うわさに聞く あの人に会わ なくてはいけません
That's why I have to meet the person I've heard about in rumors.
(傷の男) オレは 一度 別行動を取る
(Scar) I'll take a separate action for a while.
It's something I've been thinking about for some time.
イシュヴァールを否定したこの国を ただ 憎むのではなく
Not just to hate this country that denied Ishval,
but to change it.
👉👉そのためには マルコー お前の力も必要だ
For that, Marco, your help is also needed.
あいつら とんでもないこと やろうとし てるんでしょ?
Those guys are planning something outrageous, right?
そんなのぶっ潰して この国 守ってよ!
You've got to crush their plans and protect this country!
そんで エドもアルも 元の体に戻って帰っ てきてよ!
And then, both Ed and Al should come back with your original bodies!
👉👉そのためなら私 なんでもするよ!
For that, I'll do anything!