How to use による (による)

Meaning of による

The Japanese verb "による" (による, niyoru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. By (someone/something): Indicates the agent or the cause.
    • Example: この本は有名な作家によるものです。
    • Translation: This book is by a famous author.
  2. Due to (something): Used to express the reason or cause.
    • Example: 交通渋滞による遅延が発生しました。
    • Translation: There was a delay due to traffic congestion.
  3. According to (something/someone): Refers to information or opinion obtained from a certain source.
    • Example: 調査によると、若者の読書量が減少しているそうです。
    • Translation: According to the survey, it seems that young people are reading less.
  4. Through (a method/means): Indicates the method or means by which something is done.
    • Example: インターネットによる情報収集が増えています。
    • Translation: Information gathering through the internet is increasing.
  5. Depending on (something): Expresses that the outcome or situation changes based on a certain condition or factor.
    • Example: 状況によるが、計画を変更することも考えられます。
    • Translation: Depending on the situation, we may consider changing the plan.

Learn による from Animes


傷の男が再び中央セントラルに 現れた模様
It seems Scar has appeared again in Central City.

死者3名 すべて国家錬金術師
Three deaths, all State Alchemists; numerous others injured.

他 負傷者多数
According to eyewitness reports,

👉👉目撃情報によると 特徴は額に大きな十字傷
his distinguishing features are a large cross-shaped scar on his forehead

加えて右腕全体に入れ墨の入った イシュヴァール人
and a tattoo covering his entire right arm, he is an Ishvalan.


(ブラッドレイ)賢者の石は多くの人間の魂 が含まれた高エネルギー体だ
(Bradley) The Philosopher's Stone is a high-energy entity that contains the souls of many humans.

人間の体へ入ると 拒絶反応で暴れまわり
When it enters a human body, it causes a rejection reaction and goes on a rampage,

attempting to take over the body.

👉👉石による破壊と補修は 元の体が死ぬか
The destruction and repair caused by the Stone continue until

賢者の石に 打ち勝つまで繰り返された
The original body dies or it overcomes the Philosopher's Stone.


👉👉神とは しょせん人間によって 作り上げ られた
God is, after all, made up by humans.

It is nothing more than something made by the hands of humans.


(アームストロング) その少女 北へ 向かうらしいぞ
(Armstrong) It seems the girl is heading north.

According to witnesses,

イーストシティから 北へいくと言っていた とか
she said she was going north from East City.


According to the colonel,

キング・ブラッドレイは 幼少の頃から実験 体として育てられ
King Bradley was raised as an experimental subject from a young age,

entirely alone in the world

with no relatives or family at all.

それに さっきのあの感覚 あの子は…
Also, that sensation just now, that child...

(セリム) 気づいちゃいました?
(Selim) Have you realized it?


(クセルクセス王) ムダ口はいい
(King Xerxes) Enough with the nonsense.

不老不死 できるのか できないのか?
Can you make me immortal, or can't you?

👉👉(フラスコの中の小人) 老いによる焦りか 悲しいね
(Homunculus in the Flask) Is this impatience due to aging? How sad,

King Xerxes.


(Headquarters) What’s the enemy’s strength?

One person!

(本部)1名? 何者だ!
(Headquarters) One person? Who is it!

(本部)おい 何者だと聞いている!
(Headquarters) Hey, I’m asking who it is!

ポイントP 何者だ!
Point P, who is it!

(Izumi Curtis) A housewife!

👉👉(マイルズ) 謎の女による 山岳警備兵 襲撃
(Miles) The mysterious woman’s attack on the mountain guards,

just like the incident about 20 years ago.


ああ そうかい!
Ah, is that so!

ゴホッ ゴホッ… やっ 奴ら
Cough, cough... Damn, their

👉👉銃による反撃が ほとんどなくなってきまし た
counterattacks by gunfire have almost stopped.

They must be running out of bullets soon.


(クレミン) ぐうっ… 戦車で派手に撃っ てきたのは
(Clemin) Ugh...Was the loud firing from the tank

👉👉錬金術による 穴掘りの音をかき消すためか !
meant to drown out the sound of digging by alchemy!