How to use 下る (くだる)

Meaning of 下る
The Japanese verb "下る" (くだる, kudaru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- To go down: Refers to the physical act of descending or moving downwards.
- Example: 山をくだる。
- Translation: Go down the mountain.
- To flow down: Used for liquids like water or tears flowing downward.
- Example: 川がくだる。
- Translation: The river flows down.
- To decrease / To fall: Can describe a reduction in quantity, intensity, or value.
- Example: 価格がくだる。
- Translation: The price falls.
- To be handed down: Refers to traditions, decisions, or items being passed from one generation or authority to another.
- Example: 伝統が子供にくだる。
- Translation: The tradition is handed down to the children.
- To get off: Can mean to alight from a vehicle or to step down from a position.
- Example: バスをくだる。
- Translation: Get off the bus.
Learn 下る from Animes
大人1人分として計算した場合の 人体構成 成分だ
These are the components making up a human body, assuming we are calculating for an adult.
今の科学では ここまで分かってるのに―
Despite current science understanding this much―
実際に人体錬成に成功した例は 報告されて いない
no successful cases of human transmutation have been reported.
科学でもできないことが 祈ったらできるの かよ!
Can something science can't do be achieved by prayer?!
Pray and believe.
さすれば なんじが願い成就せり
Then perhaps your wishes might be fulfilled.
By the way, about these ingredients...
市場に行けば子供の小遣いでも 全部買え ちまうぞ
if you go to the market, even a child's allowance could buy them all.
Humans are made quite cheaply, aren't they?
Humans are not things.
そんな言葉 創造主への冒とくです
Such words are blasphemy against the Creator.
Divine retribution will come!
貴様1人の命と残り数万の命とで 同等の 価値があると?
You think the value of one life is equivalent to the lives of the remaining tens of thousands?
大概にせよ 人間
Don't be ridiculous, human.
1人の命は その者1人分の価値しかなく
One life only holds the value of that one person,
それ以上にも それ以下にもならん
no more, no less.
代えはきかん 殲滅もやめん
There will be no substitution, and no cessation of extermination.
(イシュヴァール人) この 人でなしが!
(Ishvalan) This monster!
👉👉(イシュヴァール人) 神の鉄ついが下るぞ !
(Ishvalan) The wrath of God will befall you!
(ブラッドレイ) 神だと? さて不思議な …
(Bradley) God, you say? How curious...
👉👉この状況で いまだ私に 鉄ついは下らぬで はないか
Even in this situation, the wrath hasn't befallen me yet.
あと何人… いや何千人
How many more... no, how many thousands
👉👉イシュヴァール人を殺せば 下るのだ?
of Ishvalans must I kill before it descends?
(Ishvalan) You bastard!
神とは しょせん人間によって 作り上げ られた
God is, after all, made up by humans.
It is nothing more than something made by the hands of humans.
私に鉄ついを下したくば 神の手など借りず
If you want to bring down God's wrath upon me, don't do it by borrowing God's help!
Do it with your own hands, human!