How to use 中年 (ちゅうねん)
Meaning of 中年
The Japanese verb "中年" (ちゅうねん, chunen) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- middle age: The period of life between youth and old age, typically considered to be from around 40 to 60 years old.
- Example: 彼は中年になっても元気いっぱいだ。
- Translation: He is full of energy even in middle age.
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1つ先の操車場で傷の男らしき男が目撃され ました
A man resembling Scar was sighted at the next switching yard.
Are you sure it's him?
There's no mistake.
ブリッグズ行きの軍用列車に 乗り込んだ ところを
He boarded the military train heading to Briggs.
As it was reported
Who was with him?
👉👉(兵士) 中年男性で髪は黒 報告書どおり です
(Soldier) A middle-aged man with black hair, as per the report.