How to use 体制 (たいせい)

Meaning of 体制

The Japanese verb "体制" (たいせい, taisei) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Political system, regime, administration: The structure or organization of a government or ruling body.
    • Example: この体制は国民の支持を得ています。
    • Translation: This regime has the support of the nation.
  2. System, structure, organization: The way in which something is organized or arranged.
    • Example: この会社の体制は非常に効率的です。
    • Translation: The structure of this company is very efficient.
  3. : Physical condition, constitution
    • Example: The state of one's health or physical fitness.
    • Translation: 彼の体制は良好で、スポーツを楽しんでいます。

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戦後 彼は 国家錬金術師の称号を返上し―
After the war, he relinquished his title as a state alchemist—

and further immersed himself in anti-establishment activities.

His capture is our top priority.

場合によっては 殺さねばならないだろう
Depending on the situation, it may be necessary to kill him.

I'd rather not kill if possible.

(マスタング) 好きにしたまえ
(Mustang) Do as you like.

我々が求めているのは 君の実績だけだ
What we seek is only your performance.