How to use 刺す (さす)

Meaning of 刺す

The Japanese verb "刺す" (さす, sasu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To stab / To pierce: Refers to the action of penetrating something with a pointed object.
    • Example: 彼はナイフでリンゴを刺した。
    • Translation: He stabbed the apple with a knife.
  2. To inject / To give a shot: Used in medical contexts for giving injections.
    • Example: 看護師が注射を刺す。
    • Translation: The nurse gives an injection.

Learn 刺す from Animes



We're being closely watched by the Fuhrer.

まずは オレたちが 知りえた情報を伝えよ う
First, let's share the information we've managed to learn.


He was a smart, good man.

👉👉とどめを刺せなかったのが 残念だったけど …
It's a pity I couldn't finish him off...


ああ せっかく1日1本だけ 許可もらった のに
Oh, just when I got permission to smoke one a day.

👉👉ったく 女に刺されて 退役なんて笑えるよ な
Seriously, getting stabbed by a woman and then retiring, that's laughable.

(ハイマンス・ブレダ) 退役してどうすん だよ
(Heymans Breda) What are you going to do after retiring?


(シグ) イズミ しっかりしろ!
(Sig) Izumi, hold on!


(イズミ) あんた 落ち着いて 大丈夫だ から
(Izumi) Dear, calm down, it's okay.

👉👉腹 刺されたんだぞ!
Your stomach was stabbed!

でも呼吸が 楽になった
But my breathing feels easier.

うっ 見せてみろ
Ugh, let me see.


👉👉キンブリーを 刺すのをためらった?
Hesitated to stab Kimblee?

でも こいつがそんなこと
But he wouldn't do such a thing.