How to use 実力 (じつりょく)

Meaning of 実力
The Japanese verb "実力" (じつりょく, jitsuryoku) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- True ability / Real strength: Refers to one's genuine capabilities or skills, often demonstrated under pressure or in performance.
- Example: 彼の実力は試験で発揮された。
- Translation: His true ability was shown in the exam.
Learn 実力 from Animes
(オリヴィエ・ミラ・ アームストロング) うん?
(Olivier Mira Armstrong) Yes?
(ロイ・マスタング) あ… これはこれは 少将閣下
(Roy Mustang) Ah... well, if it isn't Major General.
チッ 貴様が中央勤務とはな
Tch, you working in Central?
What kind of connections do you have?
👉👉いや 実力じゃないですか?
No, it's by merit, isn't it?
Says the greenhorn.
(フォックス) 調子に乗るなよ アームストロング!
(Fox) Don't get too cocky, Armstrong!
👉👉自分が実力で この場にいると思っているの か?
Do you think you're here because of your skill?
You are merely being kept here.
ブリッグズ兵と貴様のつながりが 強いのは 知っている
I know you have strong ties with the Briggs soldiers.
それ故に 貴様がここにいることが
That's why your presence here
ブリッグズ兵に反抗させないための 強力な かせとなる
is a powerful shackle to keep them from rebelling.
ハッハッハッハッ あなた方は 我々の何も 分かっちゃいない
Hahaha, you people understand nothing about us.
(オリヴィエ) 奴らには有事の際には 私 を見捨てろと言い含めてある
(Olivier) I told them to abandon me if it comes to it.
The rule of Briggs is survival of the fittest.
たとえ 私がここで くたばったとしても
Even if I die here,
それは私が弱かっただけの こととして 切り捨て
they would discard it as nothing more than my own weakness
ひるまず 動くことのできる集団
and move forward without hesitation.
That's what Briggs soldiers are.
上っ面で 私が育てた兵を語るな!
Don't speak of the soldiers I raised so superficially!