How to use 怪しい (あやうい)

Meaning of 怪しい
The Japanese verb "怪しい" (あやうい, ayashii) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Suspicious: Something that arouses suspicion or doubt.
- Example: その男は怪しい行動をしていた。
- Translation: That man was acting suspiciously.
- Dubious: Something questionable or not fully trustworthy.
- Example: その情報の出所が怪しい。
- Translation: The source of that information is dubious.
- Shady: Often used to describe people or places that seem untrustworthy or involved in dubious activities.
- Example: あの店は怪しい雰囲気だ。
- Translation: That shop has a shady atmosphere.
- Uncertain: Refers to something that is not clear or certain.
- Example: 未来は怪しい。
- Translation: The future is uncertain.
- Fishy: Something that seems off or not quite right, often implying deceit or trickery.
- Example: この取引には何か怪しいところがある。
- Translation: There's something fishy about this deal.
Learn 怪しい from Animes
(アームストロング) 現在政府関連の 錬金術研究所は
(Armstrong) Currently, there are government-related alchemy research institutes
in Central City.
そのうちマルコー氏が所属 していたのは第 三研究所だ
Of those, Mr. Marco was affiliated with the third institute.
This one is the most suspicious.
うーん 市内の研究所は 全部回ってみた けど
Hmm, I've visited all the research institutes in the city, but
ここはそんなに大した研究は… あっ
this place doesn't seem to have much research... Oh!
This is...
What is this building?
(Ross) It's the fifth research institute,
but it's currently not in use.
崩壊の危険性があるので 立ち入り禁止に なっています
It's dangerous and off-limits due to the risk of collapse.
This is it.
え? なんの確証があって
Eh? What proof do you have?
There's a prison next to it.
What about it?
What's the material for the philosopher's stone?
ええと生きた人間… ええっ
Uh, living humans... Uh?
(ウィンリィ・ロックベル) はい もしもし… エド?
(Winry Rockbell) Hello, yes... Ed?
どうしたの急に また機械鎧壊したの?
What's wrong all of a sudden? Did you break your automail again?
(Edward) No, that's not it!
お前 無事か? 元気にしてるか?
Are you safe? Are you doing okay?
Has anything unusual happened?
👉👉怪しい奴に つけられたりとかしてないか?
Are you being followed by anyone suspicious?
(ゾルフ・J・キンブリー) 列車から 飛び降りるなら
(Zolf J. Kimblee) If one is going to jump off the train,
it would be around here where there are many curves.
The locomotive will slow down here.
問題は ここからどちらに 向かったかです が
The issue is, which direction they headed after that.
Any sightings of Scar?
(Soldier) Well, about that...
(Kimblee) That's strange.
ここへ来るまでは派手に 動き回っていた のに
Up until here, he was moving quite conspicuously.
南へ200メートルほど 行った川沿いで
About 200 meters south along the river,
there's a report of one small boat being stolen.
Was it Scar?
今のところ 目撃情報はありません
No sightings at the moment.
(Officer 1) Investigate it.
(Soldier) Yes, sir!
An old man living nearby
👉👉西へ向かう怪しい2人連れの 男を目撃した とのことです
reported seeing two suspicious men heading west.
(Officer 2) Now it's west?
すぐに兵をやり その2人連れを捕らえろ
Send troops immediately to capture those two men.
(Soldier) Yes, sir!
(Alphonse) It doesn't look like him.
(Edward) He's not that big.
貴様 何者だ
Who are you?
鋼の錬金術師 エドワード・エルリック
Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist.
中央の アームストロング少佐の紹介で
I've come to meet the Brigadier General here,
on the introduction from Major Armstrong in Central.
First, I'd like you to remove this guard.
(オリヴィエ) ボディチェックをしろ
(Olivier) Do a body check.
👉👉んなっ? 怪しいもんじゃないって!
What? I'm not suspicious!
(Olivier) I don't care.
有名人の名を語ることなど 誰でもできる
Anyone can claim to be a famous person.
(警備兵)おっ 空っぽ?
(Guard) Oh, it's empty?
You bastard!
(Guard) This is...
Your Excellency,
(エドワード) それはアレックス・ルイ ・ アームストロング少佐からの
(Edward) That's from Major Alex Louis Armstrong,
a letter of introduction.
👉👉読んでくれれば オレたちが 怪しいもの じゃないと分かる
If you read it, you'll see we're not suspicious.
(オリヴィエ) 私はドラクマの生物兵器だ と にらんでいるんですが
(Olivier) I suspect they might be biological weapons from Drachma,
the Elric brothers...
(オリヴィエ) たまたま 鋼の錬金術師と その弟を保護したのです
(Olivier) We happened to take in the Fullmetal Alchemist and his brother.
化け物について 何か知ってるふうなのです が
They seem to know something about the monsters,
but they won't talk.
If a State Alchemist directly under the Führer turns out to be
ドラクマのスパイであっては 大問題です から
a spy from Drachma, it would be a major issue.
牢につないでおきました 取り調べ なさい ますか?
So, we've put them in chains in a cell. Do you want to interrogate them?
(レイブン)うっ そうだな
(Raven) Uh, I see.
They really won't talk?
(オリヴィエ)ええ ここに来た目的も生体 錬成の研究がどうのと…
(Olivier) Yes, they mentioned something about coming here for research on human transmutation...
👉👉なんとも歯切れが悪く 怪しいこと この上 ない
Their explanation is vague and extremely suspicious.