How to use 成分 (せいぶん)

Meaning of 成分

The Japanese verb "成分" (せいぶん, seibun) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. ingredient: Refers to the components or elements that make up a substance or product.
    • Example: この化粧品には天然成分が含まれています。
    • Translation: This cosmetic contains natural ingredients.
  2. : constituent
    • Example: Refers to the parts or elements that form a whole, often used in scientific or technical contexts.
    • Translation: 空気の成分には酸素と窒素が含まれています。
  3. The constituents of air include oxygen and nitrogen.: element
    • Example: Can refer to a fundamental or essential part of something, often in a more abstract sense.
    • Translation: 彼の成功の成分は努力と才能です。
  4. The elements of his success are hard work and talent.:
    • Example: component
    • Translation: Similar to constituent, but often used in the context of systems or structures.

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👉👉大人1人分として計算した場合の 人体構成 成分だ
These are the components making up a human body, assuming we are calculating for an adult.

今の科学では ここまで分かってるのに―
Despite current science understanding this much―

実際に人体錬成に成功した例は 報告されて いない
no successful cases of human transmutation have been reported.