How to use 早速 (さっそく)

Meaning of 早速
The Japanese verb "早速" (さっそく, sassoku) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Immediately / Promptly: Used to indicate that something is done right away or without delay.
- Example: ご連絡ありがとうございます。早速、返事を書きます。
- Translation: Thank you for your message. I will reply promptly.
Learn 早速 from Animes
エリシアちゃん オレはエドワード・ エルリック
Elicia, I'm Edward Elric.
こっちが弟の アルフォンス・エルリック
This is my brother, Alphonse Elric.
分かる? お・と・う・となの
Understand? Big and little brother.
(エリシア) お兄ちゃんなのに なんで ちっちゃいの?
(Elicia) Why is the big brother so small?
(Alphonse) Now, now,
泊めてもらうんだから おとなしくして
since we're staying, behave.
👉👉(ヒューズ) 早速 メシにしよう グレイシアの料理はうまいぞ
(Hughes) Let's have dinner right away, Gracia's cooking is delicious.
But still,
ただでさえ 忙しいところにもってきて
on top of being already busy,
第一分館も丸焼けに なっちまってよ
the first annex burned down too.
The first annex?
あそこの書庫には事件の記録や なんやら 保管してたから
The archive there stored records of incidents and whatnot,
so it's been a big inconvenience to our work
うん? どした?
Huh? What's up?
どうだろう? 中佐 この人 働き口探し てるんだけど
How about it, Colonel? This person is looking for a job.
確かに軍の刑事記録も読んで 覚えてます けど
I've read and remembered the military criminal records too.
よっしゃ 今すぐ手続きだ うちは給料いい ぞー
Alright, let's proceed right away. Our pay is good!
ええっ そんな… あのっ ありがとう ございます
Eeh, such... Thank you very much.
自信持って頑張ってみます 本当に ありがとう
I'll do my best with confidence. Really, thank you.
👉👉(シェスカ)あああ (ヒューズ)早速仕事 だ アハハハ
(Sheska) Aaah, (Hughes) Straight to work haha
えっ! エドが…
What! Ed is…
In the hospital?
はっ 早かったな
Hah, that was fast.
さては特急料金 取るつもりだな
You're planning to charge me an express fee, aren't you?
だって… あたしがきちんと 整備しなかっ たから
Because... it's my fault for not maintaining it properly.
The automail broke...
And you got this serious injury, right?
えっ… べっ 別に ウィンリィのせいじゃ ねえよ!
Eh... well, it's not really Winry's fault!
元はと言えばオレが むちゃな使い方した からだし
Ultimately, it was because I used it recklessly.
整備はいつもどおり完璧だった! アハハッ …
The maintenance was perfect as usual! Ahaha...
(ウィンリィ)ネジの締め忘れに気がついて ない?
(Winry) Didn't you notice the screw I forgot to tighten?
それに腕 壊れたから―
And because the arm broke—
余計なケガしなくって 済んだともいえるし さ
You could say it prevented unnecessary injuries.
アハッ 気にすんなよ! なっ なっ?
Ahaha, don't worry about it! What, what?
(ウィンリィ)…って 結果オーライ?
(Winry) …so, it all worked out?
👉👉アハーッ じゃあ早速 出張整備の話だけど !
Ahaha! Then let's talk about the on-site maintenance!
And yes, it includes the express fee!
(ヨキ) なんのことやら よく分かんねえ ですけど
(Yoki) I don't really understand what you're talking about, but
無事 ケガも治ったし
now that our injuries are healed,
これで 滞りなく中央に行けますね
with that, we can go to Central without any delays
👉👉でしたら 早速 準備を!
Then let's start preparing!
コラッ さっさと 立ち去れっつってんだろ !
Hey! We told you to leave already!
遊びに行くんじゃ ねえんだぞ こっちは!
This isn't some fun trip!
I'm serious too.
さっき言ってた 不老不死とかいうやつか?
That immortality thing you mentioned earlier?
There's no way it exists