How to use 炭鉱 (たんこう)

Meaning of 炭鉱
The Japanese verb "炭鉱" (たんこう, tankou) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- coal mine: A place where coal is extracted from the earth.
- Example: 彼は炭鉱で働いています。
- Translation: He works in a coal mine.
- coal mining: The industry or activity of extracting coal from the earth.
- Example: 炭鉱は地域の経済を支えています。
- Translation: Coal mining supports the local economy.
Learn 炭鉱 from Animes
ああーっ エルリック兄弟
Aah, the Elric brothers.
Who are you?
I won't let you say you've forgotten.
👉👉このユースウェルの 偉大なる炭鉱主 ヨキ 様のことを
About the great coal mine owner of Youswell, Lord Yoki.
(Edward) I forgot.
あっ つかお前なんざ知らん
Ah, but rather, I don't even know you.
ひどい あれだけのことをしておいて…
That's cruel, after all I've done...
👉👉(ヨキ)炭鉱の町 ユースウェル
(Yoki) Youswell, the coal mining town.
👉👉私ヨキは そこを治める軍人兼 炭鉱経営者 であった
I, Yoki, was the military officer in charge there and also managed the mines.
What's going on?
マズいです 吹雪になります
This is bad, it's turning into a blizzard.
ここにある装備では 雪中行軍は無理だ
With the gear we have here, we can't march in the snow.
このままでは 砦にたどり着けなくなる
At this rate, we won't make it back to the fort.
What should we do?
(ヨキ) ここ鉱山の町だろ?
(Yoki) This is a mining town, right?
地下坑道 行けばいいんじゃないのか?
Why not go through the underground tunnels?
(Everyone) Ah...
なっ なんだよ? いっ いやあ こんだけ でかい鉱山なら―
What, what's that? No, well, if it's this big a mine—
山1つ越えたところまで 坑道がつながって いると…
there should be tunnels connecting to the other side of the mountain...
おっ 思う…
I, I think...
(エドワード・アルフォンス) それだ!
(Edward & Alphonse) That's it!
(May) Mr. Yoki!
Don't underestimate a former mine manager!
Why does Mr. Heinkel have this?
👉👉北の炭鉱でキンブリーに 見捨てられたとき に拾った
I picked it up when Kimblee abandoned me in the northern mines.
(Alphonse) The Philosopher's Stone.
確かにこれがあれば勝てるかも しれない でも
Indeed, with this, we might win, but...
(ハインケル) ああ 知ってる こいつは 人の命で できてるってんだろ?
(Heinkel) Yeah, I know, it's made from people's lives, right?