How to use 王女 (おうじょ)

Meaning of 王女

The Japanese verb "王女" (おうじょ, oujo) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Princess: Refers to a female member of a royal family, typically the daughter of a king or queen.
    • Example: あの王女は非常に美しい。
    • Translation: That princess is very beautiful.

Learn 王女 from Animes


(アルフォンス)えっ なに?
(Alphonse) Huh, what?

フッ さすがヤオ家の番犬
Hmph, as expected of the Yao family's watchdog.

そういうお前は チャンの後継
And you, the successor of the Chan.

👉👉いかにも 第17王女 メイ・チャンです
Indeed, I am the 17th Princess, May Chang.

この国に来たということは 狙いは不老不死
Since you've come to this country, your aim is immortality.

I won't let you have it, not you guys.