How to use 組み立てる (くみたてる)

Meaning of 組み立てる

The Japanese verb "組み立てる" (くみたてる, kumitateru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To assemble: Refers to the act of putting parts together to build or construct something.
    • Example: 家具を組み立てる。
    • Translation: Assemble the furniture.
  2. To organize / To set up: Can also mean to organize or set up events, plans, or systems.
    • Example: イベントを組み立てる。
    • Translation: Organize an event.

Learn 組み立てる from Animes


(ピナコ) とりあえずはスペアで我慢しと くれ
(Pinako) For now, make do with the spare.

おう よっと… やっぱ慣れてない足は歩き にくいな
Yeah, right... I'm not used to these legs; they're hard to walk on.

(ピナコ) 慣れる前に仕上げてやるよ
(Pinako) I'll finish it before you get used to them.

👉👉とはいえ 削り出し 組み立て 接続 仕上げ…
Although, it involves cutting, assembling, connecting, finishing...

It'll be a perfect all-nighter.

悪いな 無理言って…
Sorry for the trouble...

フッ 1日も早く中央に行きたいんでしょ?
Huh, you want to get to Central as soon as possible, right?

Then I'll make an exception and do it!

その代わり 特急料金 ガッポリもらうから ね!
In return, I'm going to ask for a hefty express fee!


(マスタング) 殉職で二階級特進 ヒューズ准将 か…
(Mustang) Dying in the line of duty, promoted two ranks... Major General Hughes, huh...

私の下について 助力すると言っていた奴が
The man who said he would support me under my command,

What's going to happen if you are now above me?

Foolish man...

(Riza) Colonel,

錬金術師というのは やな生き物だな 中尉
(To the Lieutenant) Alchemists are quite the creatures,

今 頭の中で人体錬成の理論を―
Right now in my head, I'm—

👉👉必死になって 組み立てている自分がいる
Desperately trying to piece together the theory of human transmutation.

あの子らが 母親を錬成しようとした気持ち が
The feelings of those children who tried to transmute their mother.

I think I can understand it now


(中央軍兵士) はい アームストロング邸 は もぬけの殻です!
(Central Soldier) Yes, the Armstrong mansion is deserted!

👉👉(中央軍兵士) クソッ… 奴らここで 戦車組み立ててやがったのか!
(Central Soldier) Dammit... Did they assemble tanks here?!