How to use 聞こえる (きこえる)

Meaning of 聞こえる

The Japanese verb "聞こえる" (きこえる, kikoeru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To be heard: Refers to a sound that is audible.
    • Example: 妙な音が聞こえた。
    • Translation: A strange sound was heard.
  2. To sound (like): How something is perceived in sound.
    • Example: この話は変に聞こえるかもしれない。
    • Translation: This story may sound strange.
  3. To be well known: To be famous or widely recognized.
    • Example: 彼は広く聞こえる人物です。
    • Translation: He is a well-known person.
  4. To accept (someone's words): To agree or understand what someone says.
    • Example: 彼の言葉を聞こえる。
    • Translation: To accept his words.

Learn 聞こえる from Animes


(エドワード) おおっ すっげー!
(Edward) Whoa, awesome!

(タッカー) 資料室だ 自由に見ていいよ
(Tucker) This is the archives room; feel free to look around.

よし オレはこっちの棚から
Alright, I'll start from this shelf.

(アルフォンス) じゃあ ボクはあっち から
(Alphonse) Then, I'll start from over there.

私は仕事に戻る 夕方 迎えの者をよこそう
I'll go back to work. I'll send someone to pick you up in the evening.

👉👉すごい集中力ですね もう周りの声が 聞こえていない
You have amazing concentration; you don't even hear the noises around you.

いるんですね 天才って奴は…
There really are such things as geniuses...


(リドル) おやじがすぐ医者を連れてくる から もう少し我慢しろ なっ?
(Riddle) Hang in there a little longer, my dad is bringing a doctor.

(Respondent) Hang in there?

産まれる時は産まれる… ううっ!
When it's time to give birth, it’s time... Ouch!

What's wrong?

(リドル) うん? なんだって?
(Riddle) Hmm? What did you say?

I can't hear.

It’s coming!

(Everyone) What!


オレたちを弟子にしてよ おばさん!
Take us as your apprentices, auntie!

(エドワード・アルフォンス) うああっ
(Edward & Alphonse) Aahhh!

(エドワード・アルフォンス) お願いし ます おばさん!
(Edward & Alphonse) Please, auntie!

👉👉ちょーっと 耳が遠くて聞こえなかったなあ
A bit hard of hearing, didn't catch that.

もう一回 言ってくれるう?
Could you say that one more time?


Don't die, okay?

(エドワード)おう (アルフォンス)うん
(Edward) Yeah. (Alphonse) Yes.

Next time...

(The sound of the departing bell)

👉👉え? 何? 聞こえないよ
Eh? What? I can't hear you.


Where did he go?

I'm sure I heard footsteps.


どういうことだ! 何をした?
What do you mean, what did you do?

血をくれた礼に名を与えた 知識を与えた
In return for the blood you gave, I gave you a name, knowledge,

そして 朽ちぬ体を与えた
And last but not least, an undying body


(フラスコの中の小人) 自分の中に意識を 集中してみろ
(Flask Dwarf) Try to focus your consciousness within yourself.

(People's groaning)

👉👉(フラスコの中の小人) 聞こえるだろう?
(Flask Dwarf) Can you hear it?

お前が不死身になるための 引き換えになっ た
This is what it took for you to become immortal.

The voices of all the people of this nation,

まっ 半分は私がもらったがね
Well, I took about half of them.


(ハイマンス・ブレダ) 遅いですよ 大佐 置いて行っちまうとこだった
(Heymans Breda) You're late, Colonel. We were about to leave without you.

👉👉貴様の憎まれ口が 今は頼もしく聞こえるよ
Your annoying remarks now sound reassuring to me.

Is the tailing okay?


👉👉(ヴァン・ホーエンハイム) アル 目を 覚ませ おいアル 聞こえるか?
(Van Hohenheim) Al, wake up. Hey Al, can you hear me?



👉👉(ランファン) 町に煙が上がっているぞ かすかに警報も聞こえる
(Lan Fan) There's smoke rising in the town, and I can faintly hear the alarm too.

(エドワード・エルリック) 大佐と ブリッグズの連中が 動き出したみたいだな
(Edward Elric) Looks like the Colonel and the Briggs' folks have started to move.


👉👉(中央軍兵士) なんだって? よく 聞こえなかっ…
(Central Army Soldier) What's that? I can't hear you well...

何? 本当か!
What? Really?


さあ 扉を開けてみようか マスタング君
Shall we open the door, Mustang?


👉👉中尉 聞こえるか? 返事をするんだ
Lieutenant, can you hear me? Respond.