How to use 詰まる (つまる)
Meaning of 詰まる
The Japanese verb "詰まる" (つまる, tsumaru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- to be packed: to be filled with something, often to the point of being crowded or congested
- Example: この部屋は荷物で詰まっています。
- Translation: This room is packed with luggage.
- to be blocked: to be obstructed or clogged, preventing flow or movement
- Example: 排水管が詰まってしまいました。
- Translation: The drain got clogged.
- to be stuck: to be in a situation where one cannot proceed or move forward
- Example: 話が詰まってしまって、どうしたらいいかわからない。
- Translation: The conversation got stuck, and I don't know what to do.
- to be filled up: to be filled to capacity, often used for containers or spaces
- Example: この箱はもう詰まっています。
- Translation: This box is already filled be choked up
- to be emotionally overwhelmed, often leading to difficulty in speaking: 感動で詰まってしまって、言葉が出てこない。
- Example: I'm so moved that I'm choked up and can't speak.
- Translation:
Learn 詰まる from Animes
I'm ho-...
Edward Elric...
母親を生き返らせようとした むくな愛…
Trying to resurrect their mother with a misguided love...
己の命を捨てる覚悟で 弟の魂を錬成した すさまじき愛!
With a resolve to sacrifice his own life, he performed the terrible alchemy of his brother's soul!
👉👉思い出の詰まった 生家を燃やして退路を 断つ…
By burning down the house full of memories, he cut off all paths of retreat...
A terrifying resolve!
せめて 我が抱擁を!
At least let me embrace you!
(エドワード) 寄るなあっ 暑苦しい! やめろーっ!
(Edward) Stay away, it's suffocating! Stop it!