How to use だらけ (だらけ)

Meaning of だらけ

The Japanese verb "だらけ" (だらけ, darake) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Full of: Indicates that something is filled or covered with a particular thing, often negatively.
    • Example: 部屋はゴミだらけだ。
    • Translation: The room is full of garbage.
  2. Covered in: Used to describe a state where something is all over the surface of an object or person.
    • Example: 彼の服は泥だらけだった。
    • Translation: His clothes were covered in mud.
  3. Infested with: Implies that a place is overrun with something undesirable, like pests.
    • Example: 家の庭はネズミだらけだ。
    • Translation: The garden is infested with rats.
  4. Riddled with: Often used to describe a situation or object that has many problems or flaws.
    • Example: この計画は問題だらけだ。
    • Translation: This plan is riddled with problems.

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