How to use だらけ (だらけ)

Meaning of だらけ

The Japanese verb "だらけ" (だらけ, darake) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Full of: Indicates that something is filled or covered with a particular thing, often negatively.
    • Example: 部屋はゴミだらけだ。
    • Translation: The room is full of garbage.
  2. Covered in: Used to describe a state where something is all over the surface of an object or person.
    • Example: 彼の服は泥だらけだった。
    • Translation: His clothes were covered in mud.
  3. Infested with: Implies that a place is overrun with something undesirable, like pests.
    • Example: 家の庭はネズミだらけだ。
    • Translation: The garden is infested with rats.
  4. Riddled with: Often used to describe a situation or object that has many problems or flaws.
    • Example: この計画は問題だらけだ。
    • Translation: This plan is riddled with problems.

Learn だらけ from Animes



👉👉(ナンバー66) ゲハハハハ スキ だらけだぜ デカブツ
(Number 66) Gehahaha You're full of openings, big guy!


Don't push yourself!

👉👉傷だらけで下水道を 流れてたんだぜ?
You were full of injuries and floating in the sewer, you know?


お前 あれだな
You, that's how it is

👉👉自分が傷だらけに なるのは平気だが―
you don't mind getting covered in wounds yourself—

身内がちょっとでも傷つくのは 耐えられ なくて冷静さを失う
but if your family gets even a little hurt, you cannot stand it and lose your cool.

How foolish.

そうやって激情に任せて 貴重な情報も弟も 失うか?
Losing valuable information and your brother, by giving in to your emotions like that?

てめえを倒したら 弟も取り戻しに行くさ
Once I take you down, I'll go get my brother back.

It's not infinite regeneration, right?

生身の部分を ボコり続けりゃ
If I keep pummeling the flesh parts

(Greed) Waaahaha...

こりゃ悪かったなあ 手抜きしちまって
That was my bad, for slacking off.


(アルフォンス・エルリック) 兄さん
(Alphonse Elric) Brother,

リゼンブールには とっくに着いているはず なのに
He should've arrived in Resembool long ago,

but there's no contact.

(ウィンリィ・ロックベル) そもそも 修理なら私がいるのに
(Winry Rockbell) To begin with, if it's about repairs, I'm here.

👉👉(アルフォンス) ロス少尉の件といい 分からないことだらけだ
(Alphonse) With Lieutenant Ross and all, there's just so much we don't understand.

(リン・ヤオ) だから説明に来たんだ
(Ling Yao) That's why I'm here to explain.

(Alphonse) Oh?


👉👉(リザ)イシュヴァールは岩と砂だらけの 厳しい土地
(Riza) Ishval is a harsh land full of rocks and sand.

そんな土地だから 戒律の厳しい宗教と―
Because of that, a strict religion and

強じんな民族が生まれたのは 無理からぬ ことでしょうね
Strong people were naturally born there.


👉👉(ミック) ほお機械鎧だらけだな
(Mick) Oh, so many mechanical armors.

Don't touch the ones under construction, okay?


👉👉さて 再びここは 敵だらけになった
Now, once again, we are surrounded by enemies.

中央兵が隊を整えて ここに踏み込んでくる のも
The Central soldiers will organize their ranks and break in here soon

It's only a matter of time