How to use 原料 (げんりょう)

Meaning of 原料
The Japanese verb "原料" (げんりょう, genryou) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Raw material: Refers to the basic materials from which a product is made, before it is processed or manufactured into something else.
- Example: この食料品の原料は何ですか?
- Translation: What are the raw materials for this food product?
Learn 原料 from Animes
おっと近寄るなよ これがなんだか分かるよ な?
Whoa, don't come close. You know what this is, right?
(ハインケル) バカめ そんな物しけって て 使い物にならんわい
(Heinkel) Idiot, that thing is too unstable to be of any use.
👉👉(エドワード) おっさん方 ダイナマイト の 原料知ってっか?
(Edward) Hey, old men, do you know what dynamite is made from?
ニトログリコール 木屑に硝酸アンモニウム とか?
Nitroglycol, wood shavings with ammonium nitrate, and such?
(エドワード) じゃあ その 硝酸アンモニウムは 何で出来てるのかな?
(Edward) Then, what do you think ammonium nitrate is made from?
(ハインケル) 簡単だ 硝酸とアンモニア
(Heinkel) That's easy, nitric acid and ammonia.
(Both) Ugh!
(Both) Ammonia?