How to use 回転 (かいてん)

Meaning of 回転

The Japanese verb "回転" (かいてん, kaiten) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. rotation: The act of something turning around an axis.
    • Example: 地球は自軸を中心に回転している。
    • Translation: The Earth rotates around its axis.
  2. revolution: A complete turn along an axis.
    • Example: 車輪は高速で回転していた。
    • Translation: The wheel was spinning rapidly.
  3. turnover: Refers to the rate at which something is replaced or replenished.
    • Example: レストランの席の回転率が高い。
    • Translation: The restaurant has a high turnover of seats.
  4. circulation: The movement within a system, often used in economic contexts.
    • Example: お金の回転が経済成長に影響する。
    • Translation: Money circulation affects economic growth.

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