How to use 塊 (かたまり)

Meaning of 塊

The Japanese verb "塊" (かたまり, katamari) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Lump / Mass: Refers to a solid or compact group of something, like a chunk or a clump.
    • Example: 土の塊が庭にあった。
    • Translation: There was a lump of soil in the garden.
  2. Group / Cluster: Can also denote a group or collection of things or people closely gathered together.
    • Example: 人々の塊が駅前に集まっていた。
    • Translation: A crowd of people had gathered in front of the station.

Learn 塊 from Full Metal Alchemist Anime