How to use 塊 (かたまり)

Meaning of 塊

The Japanese verb "塊" (かたまり, katamari) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Lump / Mass: Refers to a solid or compact group of something, like a chunk or a clump.
    • Example: 土の塊が庭にあった。
    • Translation: There was a lump of soil in the garden.
  2. Group / Cluster: Can also denote a group or collection of things or people closely gathered together.
    • Example: 人々の塊が駅前に集まっていた。
    • Translation: A crowd of people had gathered in front of the station.

Learn 塊 from Animes


👉👉でしょうね この奥 とてつもない気の塊が います
I suppose so, there's an immense mass of energy deep inside here.

A mass of energy?

ものすごい数の人が うごめいている感じ…
It feels like an incredible number of people are moving around...

と言ったら 分かりますか?
Does that make sense to you?

なんか分からんが 気色悪い感じってのは 分かる
I don't really get it, but I understand it feels creepy.


真下… あの穴の下
Directly below... under that hole.

メイが真下にいるって言った途端 眼鏡 じじいが うろたえた
The moment Mei said she's directly below, the old glasses guy panicked.

He said he won't let anyone interfere with that person.

どうやらこの下には 行ってほしくない みたいだぜ
It seems like he doesn't want us to go down there.

ほう あれが中心か
Oh, so that's the center?


There's an incredible mass of energy directly below.

If that's the case...