How to use 嫌がる (いやがる)

Meaning of 嫌がる

The Japanese verb "嫌がる" (いやがる, iyagaru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to dislike: Expressing aversion or a strong dislike towards something.
    • Example: 彼はトマトを嫌がる。
    • Translation: He dislikes tomatoes.
  2. to be reluctant: Showing hesitation or unwillingness to do something.
    • Example: 彼女は一人で外出するのを嫌がる。
    • Translation: She is reluctant to go out alone.

Learn 嫌がる from Animes


(プライド) さて お友達も捕えましたが どうします?
(Pride) Well, now that we've captured your friends, what will you do?

スラムの人間も捕えれば 言うことをきき ますか?
If we also capture people from the slums, will you then listen to us?

Impressive indeed.

👉👉お前の嫌がるところを まっすぐについて くる
It goes straight for the things you dislike.