How to use 尻尾 (しっぽ)
Meaning of 尻尾
The Japanese verb "尻尾" (しっぽ, sippo) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Tail: The part of an animal's body that extends beyond the trunk or torso.
- Example: その犬のしっぽはとても長いです。
- Translation: That dog's tail is very long.
- Handle: A handle or grip, often used metaphorically.
- Example: この問題のしっぽをつかむのは難しいです。
- Translation: It's difficult to grasp the handle of this problem.
Learn 尻尾 from Animes
Mr. Greed!
(アルフォンス)ダメだ! (マーテル)あ あっ
(Alphonse) No! (Martel) Ahh!
(マーテル) このっ 開けなさいよ!
(Martel) Open this up!
(Alphonse) No!
(Martel) Let him out!
(アルフォンス) ダメったらダメ!
(Alphonse) I said no!
これで15回は死んだか あと何回かね うん?
Has he died about 15 times now? How many more, huh?
くっ てめえ…
Ugh... damn you...
(ドルチェット) ああっ クソッ!
(Dolche) Ah! Damn!
大総統 じきじきかよ…
The Fuhrer himself, huh...
It's okay to run away with your tail between your legs...
(ドルチェット) そうしたいところだが… 犬ってのは忠誠心が強くてよお
(Dolche) I'd like to, but... dogs have strong loyalty, you know.
(アルフォンス) 結局 進歩なしか…
(Alphonse) So, no progress then...
(エドワード) いや そうでもないさ
(Edward) No, not necessarily.
(エドワード) 大総統 前に言ってたろ 軍内部に不穏な動きがあるって…
(Edward) Remember what the Fuhrer said before? About the unrest within the military...
(アルフォンス) うん 賢者の石や ウロボロスの 入れ墨を持つ奴らに関わっ てるって
(Alphonse) Yeah, he said the Philosopher's Stone and those with the Ouroboros tattoos are involved
👉👉だから尻尾をつかみたいって 言ってたね
That's why he said he wanted to get a lead on them
(エドワード) グリードも ウロボロスの 入れ墨を持ってた
(Edward) Greed also had the Ouroboros tattoo.
なら なんで皆殺しにする 必要がある?
So why the need to kill everyone?
👉👉尻尾をつかみたいなら とっ捕まえて 聞き出しゃいいだろ
If you want information, just grab them and interrogate them, right?