How to use 恩恵 (おんけい)

Meaning of 恩恵

The Japanese verb "恩恵" (おんけい, onkei) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Benefit / Favor: Refers to the advantage or positive effect received from someone's actions or a situation. It often implies a sense of gratitude for the received benefit.
    • Example: その政策の恩恵を受けた。
    • Translation: I benefited from that policy.

Learn 恩恵 from Animes


面白いですね その不死が夢でなくなる日が 来たら
That's interesting, the day when immortality is no longer just a dream.

👉👉私だけでなく 我が兵たちも 恩恵に あずかれると?
Not just for me, but my soldiers could also benefit from it?

If that day comes.

(オリヴィエ)それまでは保証してくれん ということか…
(Olivier) So, until then, you won't guarantee anything, huh...

こいつらの話にのれば このブリックズで―
If we go along with their plans, then right here in Briggs...

よからぬ事件を起こす 手伝いをさせらせる
we'll be forced to help cause some nefarious incidents

受け入れなければ 代わりの駒とすり替え られ
If we refuse, we'll be replaced with another pawn,

and I'll likely be demoted.

さて どう答えるのがベストか…
Now, what's the best way to respond...

(Sound of knocking)