How to use 打ち合わせ (うちあわせ)

Meaning of 打ち合わせ

The Japanese verb "打ち合わせ" (うちあわせ, uchiawase) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Meeting / Conference: A gathering where plans, details, or strategies are discussed.
    • Example: 明日の打ち合わせに参加します。
    • Translation: I will attend the meeting tomorrow.
  2. Consultation / Discussion: A session where ideas, plans, or problems are talked over, often for coordination.
    • Example: プロジェクトの打ち合わせをしました。
    • Translation: We had a discussion about the project.
  3. Rehearsal / Practice: Often used in the context of performing arts or sports to practice together.
    • Example: 演劇の打ち合わせをしています。
    • Translation: We are rehearsing for the play.

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