How to use 折る (おる)

Meaning of 折る

The Japanese verb "折る" (おる, oru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To fold: Bending something flexible into a shape
    • Example: 彼は紙を折って飛行機を作った。
    • Translation: He folded the paper to make a paper airplane.
  2. To break: Fracturing or breaking something, typically solid
    • Example: 彼は誤って窓のガラスを折ってしまった。
    • Translation: He accidentally broke the window glass.
  3. To bend: Bending something partially without breaking it
    • Example: 彼女は膝を折って床に座った。
    • Translation: She bent her knees and sat on the floor.