How to use 接続 (せつぞく)

Meaning of 接続

The Japanese verb "接続" (せつぞく, setsuzoku) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. connection: the act of joining or linking two or more things together
    • Example: このケーブルはテレビとビデオデッキを接続します。
    • Translation: This cable connects the TV and the video deck.
  2. connection: the state of being connected
    • Example: インターネット接続が切れました。
    • Translation: The internet connection was lost.
  3. connection: a point where two or more things are joined
    • Example: 駅の接続が悪くて、乗り換えに時間がかかります。
    • Translation: The connection at the station is bad, so it takes time to transfer.
  4. connection: a relationship or association
    • Example: 彼はその会社の社長と個人的な接続があります。
    • Translation: He has a personal connection with the president of that company.

Learn 接続 from Animes


(ピナコ) とりあえずはスペアで我慢しと くれ
(Pinako) For now, make do with the spare.

おう よっと… やっぱ慣れてない足は歩き にくいな
Yeah, right... I'm not used to these legs; they're hard to walk on.

(ピナコ) 慣れる前に仕上げてやるよ
(Pinako) I'll finish it before you get used to them.

👉👉とはいえ 削り出し 組み立て 接続 仕上げ…
Although, it involves cutting, assembling, connecting, finishing...

It'll be a perfect all-nighter.

悪いな 無理言って…
Sorry for the trouble...

フッ 1日も早く中央に行きたいんでしょ?
Huh, you want to get to Central as soon as possible, right?

Then I'll make an exception and do it!

その代わり 特急料金 ガッポリもらうから ね!
In return, I'm going to ask for a hefty express fee!


(エドワード・エルリック) ひょっ 表在 性?
(Edward Elric) Hey, superficial?

(女医) いわゆる しもやけ
(Female Doctor) What you'd call frostbite.

もう少しで 凍傷になるところだったわね
You were close to getting frostbite.

こんな機械鎧で 長時間 吹雪の中 歩い たら
If you walk for a long time in a blizzard with such automail,

👉👉接続部分の肉が凍傷になるのよ 潤滑油も 変えなきゃ 動きが鈍るし
the flesh at the connection points will freeze. You also need to change the lubricant, or else the movement will become sluggish.

Is Buccaneer's automail different?

(バッカニア) ダメだ先生 この頭 絡まって取れん
(Buccaneer) No good, doctor, this head is tangled up and won't come off.

(アルフォンス・エルリック) あっ ボク の頭!
(Alphonse Elric) Ah! My head!