How to use 揶揄う (からかう)

Meaning of 揶揄う

The Japanese verb "揶揄う" (からかう, karakau) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to tease: To make fun of someone in a playful or mocking manner.
    • Example: 彼は友達をからかって笑わせた。
    • Translation: He teased his friend and made him laugh.
  2. to mock: To ridicule or deride someone in a contemptuous or scornful way.
    • Example: 彼女は弟をからかうことがよくある。
    • Translation: She often mocks her younger brother.
  3. to joke: To say something in jest, not to be taken seriously.
    • Example: 彼はからかうように言ったが、みんなが信じた。
    • Translation: He said it jokingly, but everyone believed him.
  4. to provoke: To incite someone to react by making fun of or challenging them.
    • Example: 彼は試合前に相手をからかって挑発した。
    • Translation: He provoked his opponent by teasing him before the match.
  5. to taunt: To insult or deride someone in a way that is intended to provoke a reaction.
    • Example: 彼らは敵チームをからかって怒らせた。
    • Translation: They taunted the opposing team and made them angry.

Learn 揶揄う from Animes


ヒューズさんもグレイシアさんも すごく いい人だった
Both Mr. Hughes and Mrs. Gracia were really wonderful people.

Colonel Hughes,

親バカで世話焼きで うっとうしいんだよ なあ
such a doting parent and meddler, so annoying

👉👉いっつも病室に 兄さんを揶揄いに来てたよ ね
He always came to the hospital to tease you right
