How to use 散らかす (ちらかす)

Meaning of 散らかす

The Japanese verb "散らかす" (ちらかす, chirakasu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to scatter, to strew: This refers to the act of spreading things around in a disorderly manner.
    • Example: 彼は部屋中に紙を散らかした。
    • Translation: He scattered papers all over the room.
  2. to make a mess, to clutter: This implies creating a state of untidiness or disarray.
    • Example: 子供たちがおもちゃを散らかして遊んでいる。
    • Translation: The children are playing and making a mess with their toys.

Learn 散らかす from Animes


(トリシャ・エルリック) エド アル どこ?
(Trisha Elric) Ed, Al, where are you?

Oh dear,

you've messed up Dad's study again.

あらダメよ そんな所に落書きしちゃあ
Oh no, you shouldn't scribble there.

(エドワード) 落書きじゃないよ
(Edward) It's not scribbling.

Just watch.


(憲兵) シェスカ シェスカ!
(Military Police) Sheska, Sheska!

(Sheska) Yes?

あなたそこの鍵 持ってたわよね?
You had that key, right?

はい… あっ えっと3番ですね
Yes... ah, it's number three.

👉👉私が使ったまま 散らかしっぱなしでして
I left it out in the mess I made.

いいわよ 必要な書類を取るだけだから
That's fine, I just need to take some documents.

ホンットに無理です 至急 片付けますので 少々お待ちを
It's really impossible right now, I'll tidy up quickly so please wait a moment.

じゃあ あとで取りに来るから それまでに お願いね
Then I'll come back to get it later, please have it ready by then.


👉👉コラッ グラトニー 散らかしていくなよ
Hey, Gluttony, stop making a mess!


👉👉これ以上うちを 散らかしてくれるってのか ?
Are you going to mess up my place even more?

おお? 医者の家から 未知の病原菌が出て 全員死亡…
Oh? An unknown pathogen escapes from a doctor's house and everyone dies...

That could happen, right?