How to use 終了 (しゅうりょう)
Meaning of 終了
The Japanese verb "終了" (しゅうりょう, shuuryou) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- end, termination, conclusion, finish: When something comes to an end or is completed.
- Example: 会議は16時に終了します。
- Translation: The meeting will end at 4 PM.
- : completion, finishing, accomplishment
- Example: When a task or project is completed or accomplished.
- Translation: プロジェクトは予定通りに終了しました。
- The project was completed as scheduled.:
- Example: closure, closing
- Translation: Refers to the act of closing or shutting down something.
- 店舗の営業終了時間は22時です。: The store's closing time is 10 PM.
- Example:
- Translation: termination, cessation
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Your orders please.
今 我々が持っているのは 戦場への片道 切符だ
What we have now is a one-way ticket to the battlefield.
勝っても負けても 後戻りはできない
Whether we win or lose, there's no turning back.
👉👉なぜなら 諸君らには 本作戦終了後も大 総統となる私の下
Because after this operation, you all have the great task of rebuilding the nation under my leadership as the Führer.
国家を立て直すという 大仕事が待ち受けて いるからだ
There is a grand task awaiting to rebuild the country.
となれば 諸君らが守るべき命令は ただ 1つ
Thus, there is only one command you must follow:
Do not die.
That is all.