How to use 重ねる (かさねる)

Meaning of 重ねる

The Japanese verb "重ねる" (かさねる, kasaneru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to stack: Refers to placing objects on top of each other in a pile.
    • Example: 皿を重ねて棚に戻した。
    • Translation: He stacked the plates and returned them to the shelf.
  2. to repeat: Doing the same action or saying something over and over.
    • Example: 彼は謝罪を何度も重ねた。
    • Translation: He repeated his apologies several times.
  3. to layer: Applying multiple layers of material or items.
    • Example: 寒い日には、セーターを重ね着しています。
    • Translation: On cold days, I wear layers of sweaters.
  4. to overlap: Having one thing covering a part of another thing.
    • Example: この二つの事件は時間が重なっている。
    • Translation: These two events overlap in time.

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