How to use 重ねる (かさねる)

Meaning of 重ねる

The Japanese verb "重ねる" (かさねる, kasaneru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to stack: Refers to placing objects on top of each other in a pile.
    • Example: 皿を重ねて棚に戻した。
    • Translation: He stacked the plates and returned them to the shelf.
  2. to repeat: Doing the same action or saying something over and over.
    • Example: 彼は謝罪を何度も重ねた。
    • Translation: He repeated his apologies several times.
  3. to layer: Applying multiple layers of material or items.
    • Example: 寒い日には、セーターを重ね着しています。
    • Translation: On cold days, I wear layers of sweaters.
  4. to overlap: Having one thing covering a part of another thing.
    • Example: この二つの事件は時間が重なっている。
    • Translation: These two events overlap in time.

Learn 重ねる from Animes


👉👉私 ヒューズさんにお父さんの背中 重ねて いたのかな
I wonder if I was projecting the image of my father onto Mr. Hughes.


This is...

That's the right arm, isn't it?

ああ そうだね 組み合わせを間違えちゃ いかんな
Yes, that's right. We mustn't mix up the combination.

(Mei) In pieces...


ちょっと メイちゃん!
Wait a minute, Mei-chan!

ああ なんてことを
Oh, what have you done

to scatter it all like this.

(メイ) 組み合わせを変えて―
(Mei) By changing the combination—

金とか不老不死とか 同じ語句の部分を
The parts that mention gold or immortality

👉👉重ねてみたら どうなるかと思って
I was wondering what will happen if I were to overlay them on top of one another


(ホーエンハイム) お前が 神とやらを
(Hohenheim) This so-called god

From the moment you acquired it

既に逆転劇は 始まっているんだよ
the counterplay had already begun.

👉👉(ホーエンハイム) 長い年月をかけ 計算 に計算を重ね―
(Hohenheim) Over the years, I've made calculations over and over again—

この日のために 俺の中の賢者の石を
For the sake of day, I've strategically placed the Philosopher's Stones inside me

仲間を この国 全土に 配置しておいたの さ
My comrades inside me, throughout this entire country.