Mount Takao 高尾山 Hike Itinerary

Fri, 22 Mar

(Day 1) Mar 22, 08:30 AM:

Start your trail on the left side of the ropeway station. Go past the entrace till you see this image. On the left is the entrance to the Inariyama Trail 稲荷山コース.

The Inariyama Trail 稲荷山コース has a very gentle slope that is perfect for beginners. Here are some images before our first check point

(Day 1) Mar 22, 08:53 AM:

This is the first checkpoint where you can take a rest and enjoy the somewhat restricted view of the cityscape of west Tokyo

(Day 1) Mar 22, 09:10 AM:

Even a Dachshund can take on the Inariyama Trail 稲荷山コース!

(Day 1) Mar 22, 09:32 AM:

And soon enough, you will reach the final flight of stairs the top of Mount Takao 高尾山.

(Day 1) Mar 22, 10:10 AM:

On the way down, you will pass by the Mount Takao Yakuoin Temple 高尾山薬王院.

(Day 1) Mar 22, 10:21 AM:

After exiting the temple, continue down to a street of shops.

(Day 1) Mar 22, 10:29 AM:

A ¥400 black sesame dango with shoyu paste 🤤

(Day 1) Mar 22, 10:50 AM:

Turn left to take the cable car down. Turn right to get to the Takao Eco Lift 高尾エコーリフト. We suggest the right because...

(Day 1) Mar 22, 10:51 AM:

You will be treated to views like this!

(Day 1) Mar 22, 10:54 AM:

And this!

(Day 1) Mar 22, 10:59 AM:

Finally, you will reach the Takao Eco Lift 高尾エコーリフト

(Day 1) Mar 22, 11:00 AM:

Or you can continue forward to reach to descend Takao Trail 高尾コース 1.

(Day 1) Mar 22, 11:12 AM:

The Takao Trail 高尾コース 1 can be a really steep descend so be prepared!

f your knee hurt, I would strongly suggest taking the Takao Eco Lift 高尾エコーリフト instead.

(Day 1) Mar 22, 11:27 AM:

Head back to the Takaosanguchi Station 高尾山口駅 through a short shopping district for a last round of treats to reward yourself for the climb.