How to use 弱点 (じゃくてん)

Meaning of 弱点

The Japanese verb "弱点" (じゃくてん, jakuten) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Weak point / Vulnerability: Refers to a part or aspect where someone or something is most susceptible to attack or criticism.
    • Example: 彼の弱点は数学だ。
    • Translation: His weak point is mathematics.

Learn 弱点 from Animes


この血印 これを壊せば―
This blood seal. If you destroy it—

You win

Kind of you to teach me your weakness


(マスタング) あなたにも子供がいたはず だ よくも そのような…
(Mustang) You have a child too. How could you...

(ブラッドレイ) セリムのことか? あれ はよくできた子だ
(Bradley) Selim, you mean? He's a well-made child.

尊敬すべき父親が人造人間だと知ったらどう なるか
What would happen if he found out his respected father is a homunculus?

(Bradley) Do you mean to threaten me?

It's pointless.

👉👉あれは私にとっての弱点には なり得んよ
He can't be a weakness for me.

だが 君は違う
But you are different.

She could be your weakness.


聞けば以前にも たった1人の反逆者に―
I heard that previously, a single rebel

司令部を 氷づけにされかかったとか…
almost froze the command center...

そもそも 建国以来中央は 大きな敵に攻め られたことがない
From the founding of the country, Central has never been attacked by a major enemy.

👉👉この 経験のなさこそが弱点 攻撃はうまく ても 防御がド下手
This lack of experience is their weakness. They may be good at attacking, but they're terrible at defending.