How to use 押さえる (おさえる)

Meaning of 押さえる

The Japanese verb "押さえる" (おさえる, osaeru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to press down: Physically pushing down on something to hold it in place or reduce its movement.
    • Example: 彼は箱のふたを押さえて閉じた。
    • Translation: He pressed down on the lid of the box to close it.
  2. to suppress: Controlling or restraining an action, feeling, or response.
    • Example: 彼女は怒りを押さえて静かに話した。
    • Translation: She suppressed her anger and spoke calmly.
  3. to secure: Ensuring that something is held firmly in place.
    • Example: 彼はテントを押さえるためにペグを打った。
    • Translation: He drove stakes to secure the tent.
  4. to hold back: Keeping something from advancing or progressing.
    • Example: 彼は笑いを押さえるのが難しかった。
    • Translation: He found it hard to hold back his laughter.
  5. to cover: Applying pressure to cover something fully.
    • Example: 医者が傷口を押さえて出血を止めた。
    • Translation: The doctor pressed on the wound to stop the bleeding.

Learn 押さえる from Full Metal Alchemist Anime