How to use 差し支え (さしつかえ)

Meaning of 差し支え

The Japanese verb "差し支え" (さしつかえ, sashitsukae) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Hindrance / Impediment: Refers to something that obstructs or prevents an action or event from occurring smoothly.
    • Example: それが話すことへの差し支えになる。
    • Translation: That will become an impediment to discussing it.
  2. Inconvenience / Problem: Used when indicating that doing something might cause trouble or inconvenience.
    • Example: 今日の会議に出席しても差し支えありません。
    • Translation: It's no problem for me to attend today's meeting.

Learn 差し支え from Animes


But still,

ただでさえ 忙しいところにもってきて
on top of being already busy,

第一分館も丸焼けに なっちまってよ
the first annex burned down too.

The first annex?

あそこの書庫には事件の記録や なんやら 保管してたから
The archive there stored records of incidents and whatnot,

so it's been a big inconvenience to our work


(エンヴィー) やかましいんだよ この ボケが
(Envy) Shut up, you idiot.

おめえら 貴重な人柱を 殺しちまうところ だったんだぞ
You were about to kill a precious Sacrifice,

do you understand that?

👉👉計画に差し支えたら どう責任取るつもりだ あ
How would you take responsibility if it caused a problem with the plan?
