How to use 着せる (きせる)

Meaning of 着せる

The Japanese verb "着せる" (きせる, kiseru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To dress (someone): The act of putting clothes on another person, often children or pets.
    • Example: 子供を新しい服に着せた。
    • Translation: I dressed the child in new clothes.
  2. To put on (for someone): Similar to dressing but can imply helping someone else into an outfit or costume.
    • Example: 彼は彼女に着せるためにドレスを持ってきた。
    • Translation: He brought a dress to put on her.
  3. To clothe (in a certain way): To outfit someone in a particular style or for a specific purpose.
    • Example: 彼はパーティのためにフォーマルな服に着せた。
    • Translation: He dressed him in formal wear for the party.
  4. To dress up (a pet or doll): Specifically dressing pets or dolls in clothes.
    • Example: 犬に服を着せた。
    • Translation: I dressed the dog in clothes.

Learn 着せる from Full Metal Alchemist Anime