How to use 一応 (いちおう)

Meaning of 一応

The Japanese verb "一応" (いちおう, ichiou) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Just in case / For the time being: Used to indicate an action taken as a precaution or to cover a possibility, even if not strictly necessary.
    • Example: 傘を一応持っていきます。
    • Translation: I'll take an umbrella just in case.
  2. To some extent / More or less: Implies that something meets a minimum standard or expectation, but not necessarily perfectly.
    • Example: 彼は一応、英語が話せます。
    • Translation: He can speak English to some extent.
  3. Formally / Officially: When something is done for the sake of form or to fulfill a formality.
    • Example: 一応、報告書を提出しました。
    • Translation: I submitted the report, at least formally.

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