How to use 受け持つ (うけもつ)

Meaning of 受け持つ

The Japanese verb "受け持つ" (うけもつ, ukemotsu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to take charge of: Accepting responsibility for handling a task or project.
    • Example: 彼はそのプロジェクトを受け持つことにした。
    • Translation: He decided to take charge of the project.
  2. to undertake: Agreeing to do a specific job or duty.
    • Example: 私が会議の準備を受け持つことになった。
    • Translation: I have undertaken the preparation of the meeting.
  3. to be responsible for: Being in charge of an area of work or a group of tasks.
    • Example: 彼女はマーケティング部門を受け持っている。
    • Translation: She is responsible for the marketing department.

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