How to use 混合 (こんごう)

Meaning of 混合

The Japanese verb "混合" (こんごう, kongou) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Mixture / Blend: Refers to the act or state of mixing different substances or elements together.
    • Example: 水と油の混合物を作った。
    • Translation: I made a mixture of water and oil.
  2. Hybrid / Combined: Can also denote something that is a combination of different types or styles.
    • Example: これは和洋混合のデザインだ。
    • Translation: This is a design that blends Japanese and Western styles.

Learn 混合 from Animes



👉👉(バッカニア) 寒冷地仕様の混合燃料だ
(Buccaneer) It's a mixed fuel designed for cold climates.


(バッカニア) 極低温下でも お構いなし に気化して
(Buccaneer) Even in extremely low temperatures, it vaporizes without issue

その気化熱で あっという間に体温を奪う
and takes away body heat instantly with its heat of vaporization.

加えてこのブリザード 脳みそまで即 凍りつくぞ
Combined with this blizzard, it'll freeze your brain in no time.