How to use いよいよ (いよいよ)

Meaning of いよいよ

The Japanese verb "いよいよ" (いよいよ, iyoiyo) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. At last / Finally: Indicates that a long-awaited event or moment has arrived.
    • Example: いよいよ卒業式です。
    • Translation: At last, it's the graduation ceremony.
  2. Now that it has come to this / Inevitably: Suggests a point where something cannot be delayed or avoided any longer.
    • Example: いよいよ決断の時が来た。
    • Translation: Now that it has come to this, it's time to decide.
  3. Increasingly / More and more: Used to show that something is becoming more intense or imminent.
    • Example: いよいよ緊張が高まってきました。
    • Translation: The tension is increasingly mounting.
  4. The tension is increasingly mounting.:
    • Example:
    • Translation:

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