How to use さっさと (さっさと)

Meaning of さっさと
The Japanese verb "さっさと" (さっさと, sassato) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Quickly / Promptly: An adverb used to urge someone to do something with speed or immediately.
- Example: さっさと行きなさい。
- Translation: Go quickly.
Learn さっさと from Animes
(ナンバー48) どうした? まだ私の血 印は 壊されていないぞ
(Number 48) What's the matter? My blood seal hasn't been destroyed yet.
👉👉さっさと破壊し あっ…
Hurry up and break it, ah...
(エドワード) あんたに聞きたいことが ある
(Edward) I have something I want to ask you.
(ナンバー48) 賢者の石か?
(Number 48) About the Philosopher's Stone?
(エドワード) 知ってること 全部吐いて もらおうか
(Edward) Spill everything you know.
(Number 48) Can't say.
(アームストロング) ヒューズ中佐を―
(Armstrong) The suspects believed to have killed Colonel Hughes—
殺害したと思われる者たちの 目星はついて います
we have a lead on them.
👉👉(マスタング) ならば なぜさっさと 捕らえない?
(Mustang) Then why not capture them immediately?
目星はついておりますが どこの誰かも 分からんのです
We have a lead, but we don't know who or where they are.
どういうことだ 詳しく話せ
What do you mean? Explain in detail.
(アルフォンス・エルリック) さすが機械 鎧の聖地
(Alphonse Elric) Truly, the mecca of automail.
すごい にぎわいだね
It's really bustling here.
(エドワード・エルリック) ケッ 何が 楽しくて このクソ暑い中―
(Edward Elric) Tch, what's so fun about this damn heat—
機械鎧を拝まなきゃ なんねえんだよ
I gotta pay my respects to the automail, huh?
👉👉ウィンリィ置いてさっさと ダブリス行き ゃあよかったぜ
Should've just left Winry behind and headed to Dublith.
(ヨキ) なんのことやら よく分かんねえ ですけど
(Yoki) I don't really understand what you're talking about, but
無事 ケガも治ったし
now that our injuries are healed,
これで 滞りなく中央に行けますね
with that, we can go to Central without any delays
でしたら 早速 準備を!
Then let's start preparing!
👉👉コラッ さっさと 立ち去れっつってんだろ !
Hey! We told you to leave already!
遊びに行くんじゃ ねえんだぞ こっちは!
This isn't some fun trip!
I'm serious too.
さっき言ってた 不老不死とかいうやつか?
That immortality thing you mentioned earlier?
There's no way it exists
(バッカニア) で… そんなノーマル機械 鎧で―
(Buccaneer) So... with such a normal automail,
何しにここへ来たんだ? 司令部も通さず 単身で
what did you come here to do? Without even going through headquarters, on your own?
(エドワード) そうだ! アームストロング少将に―
(Edward) Right! I came with a letter of introduction
力を借りようと 紹介状を持ってきたのに
to ask for Major General Armstrong's help,
あの女将軍 人の話も聞かんで オレの アンテナをむしるだなどと…
but that woman general wouldn't even listen and said she'd rip off my antenna...
(オリヴィエ・ミラ・ アームストロング) 呼んだか? 赤チビ
(Olivier Mira Armstrong) Did you call me, red shrimp?
あっ 赤…
Ah, red...
👉👉なんだ? 文句があるならさっさと言え
What? If you have a complaint, spit it out now.
なるべく 人に聞かれたくない話なんだけど …
It's the kind of talk you don't want others to overhear...
気にすることないわよ ここのメンツは訳 ありが多いもの
Don't worry about it. Many here have their own stories.
人に聞かれたくない話なんて 珍しくもない わね
Stories you don't want others to hear aren't rare here.
でも 知られたら軍法会議ものの 話とか あるんだけど…
But there are things that could lead to a court-martial if known...
(オリヴィエ) それくらいのことは 私も やっている!
(Olivier) I've done things on that level too!
(アルフォンス) 兄さん ちょっと…
(Alphonse) Brother, maybe...
I think we have to talk to be forgiven.
(エドワード) でもウィンリィが人質なん だ
(Edward) But Winry is being held hostage.
よし 大総統や人造人間のことは 言わない 方向でいこう
Alright, let's avoid talking about the Führer or the homunculi.
👉👉何を話してる? さっさとせんか!
What are you talking about? Hurry up!
(アルフォンス) じゃあ 飽くまで元の体 に 戻るための旅ってことで…
(Alphonse) Then, let's say it's just a journey to return to our original bodies...
(オリヴィエ) なるほど それでこの白黒 ネコを 連れた娘を捜しているのか
(Olivier) I see, so that's why you're looking for the girl with this black and white cat.
(2人)うん うん
(Both) Yes, yes.
You understand well.
Then will you help us...
(Olivier) You guys!
It's clear you act recklessly, without thinking things through,
うかつな行動で騒ぎを広げる 粗こつ者で あることは分かった
causing trouble with your careless actions, you roughnecks.
I don't want people like you in my fort.
まったく 中央の奴らはなぜ こんなのを 野放しにしておくのか
Really, why does Central allow such people to roam free?
Get out now!
坑道を調べるならブリッグズ兵に 任せた ほうがよくないか?
wouldn't it be better to leave the tunnel search to the Briggs soldiers?
It seems quite intricate inside.
あなたがわざわざ引きとめに来る という ことはここで当たりですね
You coming to hold me back personally means this is the right spot, huh?
What are you talking about?
I was about to quickly take care of Scar...
それとも狙撃手を配置するまでの 時間稼ぎ ですか?
Or is this just to buy time until you set up snipers?
(マスタング) わざわざ的を 大きくして くれるとは
(Mustang) Thanks for making yourself a bigger target.
でかければ勝てるとでも 思ったか バカが
Did you think you'd win just by getting bigger, you fool?
👉👉立て 化け物 さっさと再生しろ
Stand up, monster. Regenerate quickly.
死ぬまでその苦しみを 繰り返してやる
I'll make you repeat that pain until you die.
(エンヴィー) そうだ… そうだよ
(Envy) That's right... That's him.
こいつは ラストを焼き殺した男だ
This is the man who burned Lust to death.
(ティム・マルコー) ダメだな 完全に タイヤがはまってるよ
(Tim Marcoh) It's no good, the tire's completely stuck.
(ハインケル) 何やってるんだ チョロひ げ!
(Heinkel) What are you doing, goatee?!
もたもたしてると 日食が始まっちまうぞ!
If you keep dawdling, the eclipse will start!
👉👉やかましい! さっさと車を引っ張り上げろ !
Shut up! Just pull the car up already!
Oh, geez...
(Greed) Damn
(Darius) Greed
(Greed) Gorius
(Darius) Are you alright?
(グリード) ちょうどいい オレも乗せて け
(Greed) Perfect timing. Give me a ride too.
状況 分かってる奴が必要だろ
We need someone who understands the situation.
(ダリウス) そうだ 一体 何が起こっ てるんだ?
(Darius) Right. What exactly is happening?
(グリード) お父様っつう 親玉人造人間 が暴れてんだよ
(Greed) Our "father," the chief Homunculus, is on a rampage.
こっから先 戦えねえ奴は置いてけ
From here on out, leave behind anyone who can't fight.
おら そこのカエルと女2人 降りろ
Hey, you frog guy and the two women, get off.
You're injured, right?
(オリヴィエ・ミラ・ アームストロング) バカを言うな
(Olivier Mira Armstrong) Don't be a fool.
私が隊を指揮せんで 誰がする
If not me, who'll lead the troops?
👉👉知ったことか さっさと降りろ
Like I care, just get off.
指揮とかなんとか 言ってる場合じゃねえん だよ
This isn't the time for talk about command or whatever.
I won't be ordered around by you...
(Subordinate) Your Excellency.