How to use 刻む (きざむ)

Meaning of 刻む

The Japanese verb "刻む" (きざむ, kizamu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To cut (into small pieces): Refers to chopping or mincing food into small pieces.
    • Example: 野菜を刻んでサラダにしました。
    • Translation: I chopped the vegetables for a salad.
  2. To carve: The act of carving or engraving something into a surface.
    • Example: 彼は木に名前を刻んだ。
    • Translation: He carved his name into the wood.
  3. To slice: Similar to cutting but often implies making thin slices.
    • Example: 肉を薄く刻んでステーキにしました。
    • Translation: I sliced the meat thinly for steak.
  4. To divide time: To mark or measure time in small increments.
    • Example: 時間を刻む時計。
    • Translation: A clock that marks time.
  5. To engrave (metaphorically): To leave a lasting impression or memory.
    • Example: その出来事は心に刻まれている。
    • Translation: That event is engraved in my heart.

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