How to use 囁く (ささやく)

Meaning of 囁く

The Japanese verb "囁く" (ささやく, sasayaku) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To whisper: Speaking softly and quietly, often to share secrets or speak in private.
    • Example: 彼女は彼に何か囁いた。
    • Translation: She whispered something to him.
  2. Murmur / Rustle: Can refer to the gentle, soft sound of leaves or wind, metaphorically extending from the whispering sound.
    • Example: 風が木々の葉を囁いている。
    • Translation: The wind is whispering through the leaves.

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…っていうか 本当についてくるの?
...Or rather, are you really coming along?

(Both) Of course!

おめえに ついていきゃ いいことがある ってな
We've got a feeling that sticking with you brings good things.

That's what our instincts whisper to us!

(2人) オレたちの野生の勘がな!
(Both) Our wild instincts are telling us so!