How to use 脅かす (おどかす)
Meaning of 脅かす
The Japanese verb "脅かす" (おどかす, odokasu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- to intimidate: Causing someone to feel frightened to gain control or influence over their actions.
- Example: 彼は証人を脅かして黙らせようとした。
- Translation: He tried to silence the witness by intimidating him.
- to threaten: Expressing an intention to cause pain or harm to someone in order to influence their actions.
- Example: 犯人は被害者を脅かして金を要求した。
- Translation: The criminal threatened the victim and demanded money.
- to scare: Causing a sudden feeling of fear or shock.
- Example: 彼は後ろから忽然と現れて彼女を脅かした。
- Translation: He suddenly appeared from behind and scared her.
- to startle: Surprising someone suddenly, causing a brief moment of shock or discomfort.
- Example: 突然の大音量で彼は観客を脅かした。
- Translation: He startled the audience with a sudden loud noise.