How to use 献立 (こんだて)
Meaning of 献立
The Japanese verb "献立" (こんだて, kondate) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Menu / Meal Plan: Refers to the list of dishes to be served in a meal, or the plan for what meals will be prepared.
There is primarily only one meaning for "献立" in common usage, which is related to food menu or meal planning. The word doesn't usually extend to other contexts in everyday Japanese language.
- Example: 今晩の献立は何ですか?
- Translation: What's on the menu for tonight?
Learn 献立 from Animes
すみません かなりの量だったもので
Sorry, it was quite a lot.
It took five days.
(アルフォンス) 世の中 すごい人がいる もんだね 兄さん
(Alphonse) There are amazing people in this world, brother.
Is this really Mr. Marco's?
はい 間違いありません
Yes, there's no mistake.
👉👉ティム・マルコー著 「今日の献立1000 種」です
Written by Tim Marco, "1000 Menus for Today".
(ロス) 砂糖大さじ1に 水少々加え…
(Ross) A tablespoon of sugar with a little water added...
It really is "1000 Menus for Today".
君 これのどこが 重要書類なんだね?
How is this a critical document?
そんなこと言われても 私は覚えたまま写し ただけです
I only copied what I remembered.
ハア どうやらとんだ ムダ足だったよう ですね
Sigh, it seems like it was a waste of effort.
(エドワード) これマルコーさんの書いた 物と 一字一句間違いないんだな?
(Edward) Is this exactly as Mr. Marco wrote, word for word?
はい 間違いありません
Yes, there's no mistake.