How to use 憧れる (あこがれる)

Meaning of 憧れる

The Japanese verb "憧れる" (あこがれる, akogareru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to long for: Feeling a strong desire or yearning for something often unattainable or distant.
    • Example: 彼は昔から海外で働くことに憧れていた。
    • Translation: He had always longed to work abroad.
  2. to admire: Feeling admiration for someone often due to their qualities or achievements.
    • Example: 若いアーティストは彼の才能に憧れる。
    • Translation: Young artists admire his talent.
  3. to idolize: Admiring someone immensely, often placing them on a pedestal.
    • Example: 彼女はその歌手を憧れるほど尊敬している。
    • Translation: She idolizes the singer to the point of reverence.

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