How to use 国王 (こくおう)
Meaning of 国王
The Japanese verb "国王" (こくおう, kokuou) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- King: Refers to the male monarch or ruler of a country.
- Example: あの国は10年間、同じこくおうに統治されています。
- Translation: That country has been ruled by the same king for 10 years.
Learn 国王 from Animes
(住民1) なんの工事なんだ?
(Resident 1) What construction is this for?
(住民2) かんがい用水路だよ
(Resident 2) It's for an irrigation canal.
👉👉国王の命で 国中に水路を張り巡らせるんだ
By the king's order, they're laying out waterways throughout the country.
(住民3) さすが クセルクセス王
(Resident 3) As expected of King Xerxes.
He really thinks about us common folk.