How to use 活躍 (かつやく)

Meaning of 活躍

The Japanese verb "活躍" (かつやく, katsuyaku) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Active performance: Playing an active role in a field or activity
    • Example: 彼はスポーツで活躍している。
    • Translation: He is playing an active role in sports.
  2. Great efforts: Significant efforts or contributions
    • Example: 彼女は会社で活躍している。
    • Translation: She is making great efforts in the company.
  3. Conspicuous service: Notable or distinguished service
    • Example: 彼の活躍は戦場で注目された。
    • Translation: His conspicuous service was noted on the battlefield.
  4. To flourish: Thrive or succeed in endeavors
    • Example: 新しい環境で活躍するのは難しい。
    • Translation: It's difficult to flourish in a new environment.

Learn 活躍 from Animes


(マスタング) さて 名前は アイザック ・マクドゥーガル
(Mustang) Well, his name is Isaac McDougal.

Former state alchemist.

The man called Isaac the Freezer.

(Edward) Former?

(Mustang) Yes.

👉👉イシュヴァール殲滅戦の時 我が軍の一員 として活躍した
He served as part of our army during the Ishval Extermination.


(キンブリー) ずいぶん つっかかるじゃ ないですか…
(Kimblee) You seem quite obstructive...

👉👉私がイシュヴァール戦で活躍した 国家 錬金術師だからですか?
Because I was a state alchemist who took a great part in the Ishval war?

あなた どうすれば満足するんです?
What would satisfy you?

同族がどんな死に方をしたのか 知りたいと でも?
Do you want to know how your kin died?

Shut up, Kimblee.

Shall we talk about it?

I said shut up!

(ブリッグズ兵) 少佐 よろしいですか?
(Briggs Soldier) Lieutenant Colonel, is everything alright?


(Buccaneer's rough breathing)

大尉 しっかりしてください
Captain, stay with us.

(バッカニア) あいつは 味方になって くれたのか?
(Buccaneer) Did he... become our ally?


Now you can rest easy.

(部下) 何を言ってるんですか 大尉
(Subordinate) What are you talking about, Captain?

もうすぐ アームストロング少将が勝ちます
Major General Armstrong will win soon.

Just a little longer.

大尉には中央で 今まで以上に
Captain, in Central, more than ever before

we really need your presence