How to use 活躍 (かつやく)

Meaning of 活躍

The Japanese verb "活躍" (かつやく, katsuyaku) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Active performance: Playing an active role in a field or activity
    • Example: 彼はスポーツで活躍している。
    • Translation: He is playing an active role in sports.
  2. Great efforts: Significant efforts or contributions
    • Example: 彼女は会社で活躍している。
    • Translation: She is making great efforts in the company.
  3. Conspicuous service: Notable or distinguished service
    • Example: 彼の活躍は戦場で注目された。
    • Translation: His conspicuous service was noted on the battlefield.
  4. To flourish: Thrive or succeed in endeavors
    • Example: 新しい環境で活躍するのは難しい。
    • Translation: It's difficult to flourish in a new environment.

Learn 活躍 from Full Metal Alchemist Anime