How to use 快晴 (かいせい)

Meaning of 快晴

The Japanese verb "快晴" (かいせい, kaisei) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Clear sky / Fine weather: Refers to a day with clear, sunny weather, often implying perfect conditions for outdoor activities.
    • Example: 今日は快晴だ。
    • Translation: Today is a clear day.

Learn 快晴 from Animes


I need you to find him.

奴とはもう一度 戦わなきゃならねえ
I have to fight him again.

バカを言うな イーストシティで どんな目 にあったか忘れたのか
Don't be an idiot. Have you forgotten what happened in East City?

Oh, so you're scared of Scar?

この前の大佐殿は役立たずで いらっしゃい ましたからね へへ
The Colonel last time was pretty useless, wasn't he? Hehe.

👉👉ナメるな 今日は快晴だ
Don't underestimate me. Today, the sky is clear.