How to use 一段と (いちだんと)

Meaning of 一段と

The Japanese verb "一段と" (いちだんと, ichidanto) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Even more / All the more: Used to emphasize an increase or intensification of a condition or state beyond what was already the case.
    • Example: 夜になると、寒さが一段と厳しくなった。
    • Translation: As night fell, the cold became even more severe.
  2. Remarkably / Significantly: Indicates a noticeable change or difference in degree or quality.
    • Example: 彼の演技は一段と上達した。
    • Translation: His acting has improved significantly.

Learn 一段と from Full Metal Alchemist Anime